Juan Carlos Amazingly interesting and smart guy. Very persistant and honest spirit. Crazy dater and party animal. Romance at its best! He's a great friend; one for life. Intrepido, aventurero, churro, tierno, rumbero y deportista. like him? sign my guestbook, I'll set you up! 
Felipe Great sensible soul. Felipe is just one of those innate poets that wonders around life looking for a perfect match! Funny and smart, he is one of the persons I enjoy spending time with the most. Cheers Feli! 
Pablo Pablo is a serious person. He has his feet on earth and works hard to accomplish his goals. He is sensitive and caring and he is always willing to offer support. 

Roberto If I had to describe this guy in two words, I would say: Beer drinker!

Fergus My little Fergus! What can I say about you? I think the picture already says a lot! Scottish creature powered by beer, Wright?

Pilar Amazingly charismatic and easy-going, Pilar is a strong soul that even during bad times transmits colorful energy. She embodies the true meaning of friendship and is always there for her loved ones. Pilar is an amazing source of support and I love her for being simple. She is one of the best things that happened to me when I came to Montreal. TQM Pili!

Harold My big brother! Actually I could call this section of the homepage "the dutch spot"...he is also from The Netherlands! Whether it was a long talk about the purpose of life or just a little push to tell me that my underwear were showing, he became my big brother! Actually, as a little extra, I can tell you that Corine is also his dutch princess! 
Talk about one of those people that you really, really like! Simone is one of those people for me! Geat talker, lots of fun but serious enough to be super trust worthy. Good partier, loves to dance, awesome dinner companion (she loves food!) and wether it is to have a couple glasses of wine and talk about life (and the men that piss us off) or simply party hard for a few nights straight, Simone is the one to call! Oh, well, only that she lives in The Netherlands..

Timo Interesting, fun and polite person; Timo is sometimes a little reserved but give him a couple of beers and a reason to party and Mr. Social party animal will come out fast! He is also an incredibly kind, giving and understanding person. The blend of nationalities in his blood has come up with a good final mix.

A very good skier! As you may be able to tell by the picture, that's the activity he enjoys the most and he has earned the very prestigious place of my "personal ski instructor", as he calls himself.... Like many of my friends, he also lives far from me, but distance hasn't been a problem to keep up a good friendship. Very sensitive and down to earth guy... any pretty, sweet and smart french girl who'll be in London in 2003 interested??? let me know, I'll hook you up!

Johanna Nice french spirit! Johanna is actually one of the few people that came to Montreal, loved the place, and could stay! She is a very fun girl and great person to talk to! I can't leave without mentioning that she throws great parties in her humongous loft!

Sweet, sweet, sweet. I'm sorry Mohammed, but actually Jussi has earned now the place of the sweetest guy that has ever stept in Montreal. What a loyal person! Jussi is a free spirit that commits his touch to the unlimited power of love. He's an inspiration. He inspires love! We both enjoyed the journey and I became a special princess in the kingdom of his words. For a while I was the most important person in the world! By the way, if you want to know why he has the colombian flag on his face, go to What's Up With Me and scroll down!

Colombian soul who sparked by a french kiss floats in Montreal waiting for his fairy lady. Lukas is a fun, smart and sweet friend. Although he is a great listener, I think the fact that we have similar stories to tell is the dominant factor in spending hours on the phone. He not only fills in the gaps of my good colombian friends like Juan Carlos, Felipe or Alejo, who I so much miss, but he also understands my need to dance merengue once in a while, he, he, he. I love Lukas in my very own Colombian way....Good friend you are dear!

Well, and then there's Babak. He's a sweet supportive friend who will stand between the mountain cliff and you to teach you how to ski!! Loyal, pampering and unconditional friends like him are what keeps me happy in Montreal!


Here's Chris with his girlfriend Ivonne. Chris and I have been friends for quite a while now and I am very close to his family. He's changed so much since he was little!! He's a grown up now....all an Engineer! Chris is one of those friends that I'll stay in touch with forever...my kids and his kids playing together, you know??
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Sandra Have you ever been in a place so hot that it seems like hell on earth? Well, this babe is from a place like that and, apparently, over there the weather warms up the people's spirit because she is just a great girl. She is a sweet party animal and my best friend throughout school, parties, trips, dinners, talks, etc. 
Catalina Well, Sorry about the picture! The guy who took it was drunk and in love with her so he couldn't care less about having me in it (except for a piece of boob and cheeck). Anyways, she is someone who KNOWS how to have FUN. Although Cata has a tremendous sense humor that always makes me laugh, she can get serious enough to be one of the most loyal friends I have. Salut Cata!

Toro Toro means "bull" and that's his nickname. He was the swetest little piece of guy that went to my school in Colombia. Very passive and quiet, he has the "fluffiest" cheeks on earth!

Ivan He is just a sweetheart. Fun, energetic, trustworthy, handsome, and ready to do anything anytime. Ivan is a very sweet and loving person that cares about the people around him. He is so sincerely simple that spending time with him is a real pleasure. Being one of my best "pals", he had the honor to accompany me to my high-school prom, for which unfortunately I have no pictures!!! Ivan is definetely one of the friends that I miss having the most here in Montreal. Peter

Hmmmm...I would need a whole book to describe him! The big love in my life is a serious but fun and successful man. Kind, smart, honest, handsome, interesting, loving and overall, supportive. Great traveler companion, excellent friend and god damn hard to stop loving (that's why I gave up..). A bit insecure, but he manages not to let people know. Peter is a little bright star that has touched my life and illuminated it forever. The great love that united us once has extended into an amazing friendship that will keep us together forever. He was actually who inspired me to do the webpage; if you want to know more about him, just click on his picture and take a look at his homepage!

Ben Literally my partner! My brother, my confident, my husband, my friend. We used to share CISA's presidency because we believed in each other, and we got along great as associates! Our partnership was a success! If I ever feel like starting a business, he'll be the first person I'll call no matter where in the world he is. I'd trust him my life! My little smart friend knows about everything and is a great company always! His chocolate fondue is ok, but mine is better! :)

Corine Another dutch Princess! She is just a sweetheart. We shared great moments together! Whether parties or girl talks, we always had fun! God knows why we didn't get more time to spend together. Oh well, I'll have to go to the Netherlands more often Gomi 
Augusto! Really brave soul full of strenght and enthusiasm! 

Mohammed At least Corine would agree with me in that Mohammed is the sweetest guy in Montreal! There is just a little problem, he went back to his home country: Oman (sniff), and so the position is open guys. 
Mao Dreamer, poet, honest, straight forward, adventurous, sensitive soul. Mao is a very dear person to me for no special reason. He is very dear to me just because he is; I admire him. The picture is taken minutes after he almost got us lost in a sweedish forest on a rainy day! Also, that is a dog, not a sheep! 

Talk about someone sweet, radical and smart. Quite a mix, uh? Mo is a great talker and a great listener too. Being knowledgeable in a variety of subjects, having a conversation with this egipcian king is delightful.

AMAZING. He's too much of a businessman now days, so we barely keep in touch, but he's a funny bunny who amuses you by trying to be serious. He's a great host too, he hosted me and some friends for a few days during one of the best trips of my life. You can check out the pics of that trip in IN EUROPE.


Alejo has been in my life for a long time.... we've been friends since we were 8 and we keep connected despite time and distance. Who would have thought that after all this time we would end up in very similar fields? He'll be the next best Colombian filmmaker!
Anja & Kristen

Yes, you finally get to meet my roommies! For those of you who wonder who I live with, here they are, voila! The two nicest girls I could ask to live with! The awesome part is that we are totally different from each other. Kris is into Punk, Anja into books and me, well I've talked enough about myself already. The Colombogermamerican connection is up!