Before giving you a bunch of useless information about my life and what I've done, let me say a few things to make sure you get the right picture about me, ok?
Save water, be nice to the people around you, care about hunger and war and children and old people and trees and water again. Save water. Read, but think that print created illiteracy, so watch, touch, feel, experiment and think about all the good things you could do today for the the people around you, for those who are far...and for yourself too of course. Do you know how many people around the world are not lucky enough to be able to be lookng at a computer monitor like you because they can't even afford to eat?? What are you going to do about it? How are you going to contribute?? Think; cover your ears and just look. Go out there, travel and see it for yourself because when you use your own eyes as a camera, there isn't an editor, a sales manager, or a director filtering what you can or cannot see.
Well, when it comes to talk about me I guess I should start by saying my name, right? Ok, So I am Melisa Forero. I was born in Bogota, Colombia on the 24th of december of 1981. I love dancing and traveling and I have a weird passion for the sun and everything that has to do with it. I have Sun-pencils, sun-ornaments, sun-plates, sun-candle-holders, sun-masks, sun-paper, sun-cushions, sun-cards, sun-boxes, name it!! I believe the sun has an extreme power. It is the source of light and, therefore, of life. It has been the inspiration of many cultures and it has carried a divine power for many civilizations. To me, the sun is just a great symbol of natural and positive energy.
As I said I was born in Bogota, Colombia, and I lived there for most of my life. My parents got divorced when I was 2 years old and, perhaps because of the fact that I was very young, it was an easy process. I was a very nice and quiet little girl that was spoiled by her grandfather from the day she was born. I spent 11 years of my life in the "Gimnasio del Norte" school in Bogota. By the time I graduated I was probably the only one that had been there for such a long time. I knew on a first name basis every single teacher, every gardener, every school-bus driver and every cook. I was very good in spanish and I liked adressing a public, so I was usually giving speeches and welcoming school visitors. During all those years, many times I represented students in the academic and administration board and participated in many art-related projects. Graduating was an exciting and sad experience; not only I was leaving my "second home", but I was also leaving Colombia. I was going to move to Montreal, Canada, to start university and keep on with my life.
So I did. I got to Montreal in summer 98 and started what has been, until now, the richest experience of my life. Montreal is a multicultural city that offers an open atmosphere to develop a healthy life. Its bilingualism gives it a special charm that attracts people (students over all, it is the North-American city with most students per capita) from all around the world. I took french courses until I learnt the language, and then, in summer 99 I started school again. I go to Concordia University. I did one year of computer engineering and decided that it was not my field. I felt trapped in numbers and not stimulated at all to study. Even though the job market is very attractive in the computer field, I decided that I wanted to take advantage of other skills that I seemed to actually have, and study something different. I took then a year of only courses that I liked. I took courses in political science, english and my favorite: communication studies. During that year I also applied to the Communication Studies program at Concordia and after a long wait, I found out that I had passed! Talk about happy! Today I am in the Communication Studies program and I am discovering what it is to go to school and actually love what you do!

The picture above is Bogota. I love to travel! I've been in Venezuela, Panama, Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico, USA, France, Finland, Sweden, Denmark, The Netherlands, Italy and Canada. However, I still have about 170 countries to go!! Part of the great time that I have spent in Montreal, I owe to the people that I've met. During the past four years I have met icredible people that have helped me grow and that have opened my vision of the world. Before coming to Montreal I lived in my little world, with my friends and family, worrying about little things and surviving a rather simple every-day-life. Since I've been here, I've learned a lot just by meeting people from all over the world. My sense of tolerance has evolved and I am a more mature person. Again, I owe this to the great people that I've met who have made my every-day-life quite exciting. The fact that I have been involved with the 'Concordia International Student Association' CISA, has given me the oportunity and the tools to work with multi-ethnic people who have shown me a different perspective of life. You can see who some of these people are if you go to my FRIENDS page.  The picture above is an aereal view of my school "Gimnasio del Norte" in Bogota.