Yes, that is a mud pool and I am in it. Talk about ridiculously funny touristic stuff you do back in your own country!!!

If you ever get the chance to see Baraka, of Ron Fricke or Koyaanisqatsi of Godfrey Reggio, do it. They are visual essays that will make you think about your role in the contemporary world, even though they literarily do not say a word.
More on Baraka!
Well, after realizing that my coments on Baraka actually drove people like Ben to watch and promote the film, I felt I had to add a couple more comments on it. Baraka was shot in 70mm, which is Imax format, but was never actually shown on Imax, which means that it was projected as a 35mm film but with double quality and definition. Basically, the larger the width of the film, the larger the camera, the larger the crew and the more expensive it gets to produce it. Also, the wider the film, the less distortioned the image gets when projected, therefore the wider the film the better definition you get, or the larger you can project the film.
Fricke went to 24 countries and got some amazing shots from around the world. He then went, put them together and without putting any voice over them, made a non-fiction film without an obvious plot. The magic of the film is that it makes very powerful statements about the way we live and the way we relate to others, but without saying a word. It is an amazingly inclusive film that looks to break the boundaries that usually divide us like language and place...why? because it only has music and no dialogues. The movie doesn't tell you what to think while you're watching the images. You relate to the images according to your own experience and you interpret it differently than the other 100 people inside the theater. It is not discriminatory because anyone can watch it and find meaning in it, you don't have to understand a specific language to follow it. Moreover, it is even more inclusive by not telling you where the awesome images he's showing are from. Does it matter where they are from? what matter is that they exist and they are somewhere in this planet that belongs as much to you as to the people in the places he shows. It doesn't matter where the hungry people who look for food on the dumpster are, what matters is that there are people looking for food on dumpsters.
It's a great movie, really, I encourage you once more to watch it and I guess that's about all I had to say about Baraka today!
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Trying to learn the technique from Bonny, my photogrpher aunt, I took my friend Sandra as a model and the pictures actually came out great!

Did you know that these guys have been standing there for thousands of years taking care of some guy's thumb, and were only discovered like 30 years ago?? They are each about 2m tall and evry single one of them has a different face. There are hundreds of them!
E-Mail Character
You know what? In this cybernetic era where so many cyber relationships develop between people that are physically far and you, learn some manners and put a god damn title on your e-mails. If it's a reply on a specific subject to someone who is busy and has to reply to hundreds of e-mails, I understand that you would like to leave the "RE: title" thingy, but otherwise, at least try to get a bit more personal by giving a title to the things you are sending to your friends and family..... it drives me nuts when people, specially people close to me, don't put a title to their e-mails..... really though!
Time passes by. People grow from baby to child to adult to old. People come and go; they travel through life and leave marks. They construct and deconstruct, they are temporary visitors of the world. They build things that last more time than themselves, they use them, and use them, and use them again, but then they die and things remain. Other people come, and use those things even more; some things change, some others dont, some turn old but some remain. Buildings are some of the things people build. They are good for shelter, for keeping, for safeguarding, for grouping. They are the blanket that covers and protects what people want to maintain: their lives, their stories, their belongings and their ideas. People rotate through buildings, some come, some go, some are never there, but buildings stay (just as chairs, doors, walls, floors)unless people dont want them to. People decide how to use buildings and the spaces and the things inside them. Modifying, fixing and rethinking about the purpose of things is what people spend the most time on. People, like you and me. People who are here today but who will be gone one day. People affect everything around them; no matter where they touch, where they step, where they breathe. Places depend on people and the way they use them. A space only becomes a Place once people acknowledge it and give it a raison d'etre. People come and go; people travel through life and leave marks. People grow from baby, to child, to adult. Time passes by, people die but places remain.